google-site-verification: google2560069c1d18eae5.html Yoga Sutra: 2014-11-30

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Bali - Reflections

I have always believed that the reflections on the past be it actions or incidents give you a briefing on lessons of self improvements. We at Samyak Yoga after every teacher training sit for REFLECTIONS so that we can find ways to improve the quality in everything that we do. Here are my reflections about the course we completed in Bali. Perhaps, Bali training and the group took a long time to allow me for objective reflections. Finally I am ready and here are my thoughts.

Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

We have completed Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali in October 2014. The whole month was an amazing experience in many aspects. 

It was a first time experience for us in Bali. The entire crew led by Marlinda and Steve was just amazing. Often, you will be in uncomfortable if your food and accommodation are not up to the mark. From the very first day, we just had to focus on teaching and everything else was in place every single day without a miss. 

Yoga Teachers from India

We, the Yoga Teachers from India are guided in a Gurukula system of education (Indian system, which influenced the Buddhist Monasteries) which does not just teach you, but gives you an insight, asks you to analyze, allows you to practice and find the need of it and finally, you will practice what you preach. Hence, this Yoga Philosophy bears a lot of weight, put forth out of passion and supported by perosnal practice of the teacher. In Bali, the entire team of students and teachers had a beautiful time with philosophical discussions. 

Traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series Practice

We practiced Asanas twice a day which was intensive. Besides, there was group classes, preparation for the classes every day. The morning ashtanga practice with its Mysore style, every one was fascinated by their own potentialities which weren't explored. Mysore style brings the meditation within and tell you "you can do more than what you think you can do"

Meditation leading to Light within

The entire training was transformational. I give credits to every one who played roles in different ways. The major credit goes to the students who were always supportive to each other. It is one thing that fascinates me that we always get the best students.. :) They were always there to care, to love, to help, to assist, to listen as if they knew each other for a very long time. The group never took the discussions or the practice just as they are. They tried to practice, explore and implemented them in their hearts. That's where a teacher feels fulfilled!

Teach not only Asanas but Pranayama too!

Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training also gives an opportunity to teach EVERY DAY. Students unlike in most of the schools, here get the opportunity to teach Pranayama too. By the end of the course, the Prana was back in the mainstream of their every day practice of Yoga. It was no more just a breathing technique.

Meditation on Universal Consciousness
Throughout the course, we all consciously and unconsciously worked on universal energy, the cosmic web which connects every one, the divine light within. The students were able to get the sparks of their divinity, their own light and their own master inside. This is the goal of Yoga, the union within. And we were happy, connected and rejuvenated. Once again, I fell in love with what I do and thanked God for giving this opportunity to be a part of many spiritual energies.

Monday, 1 December 2014

I am Responsible of My Universe Inside Out

Our generation has been tremendously successful in understanding some of the most subtle secrets of nature and have benefited out of them. In the journey, often we might have thought that we are so independent, capable of achieving so many things that our ancestors have never thought off. 

But often, the chaos in life, helplessness at different situations have led us to feel more dependent and weak. Often in the race of achieving and being independent, we have achieved less and become more dependent. Hence, what is the secret of nature? who and how are we? are we independent and can make our own choices in the life or is it just an illusion of freedom? Does fate decide everything?

In the context of Karma, a beautiful metaphor of cow is often used to explain the subject we are discussing now. A cow is tied to a tree with a long rope and allowed to eat the beautiful grass that is grown near by the tree. The Cow can make all the choices on how and what to eat and the way to enjoy. But it has to be within the specified boundary of tied rope. It can roam everywhere within the radius and can't go out of the radius. 

No! Absolutely not. The idea of complete independence in the way we most often understand is an illusion. We are not independent at all. A simple example shows it clear. I bought a new phone and it's beautiful and I own it. But the bitter reality is "It is not mine". The payment I made is to use the phone forever. I own the phone I bought can be explained that I have the right to use it forever. 

The idea of using the waves to talk to each other was an imagination of a mind which was the foundation of the phones. Then comes the transformation in mettlurgy science which has contributed in the creation of different metals. Then, the network towers, so on and so forth. My few bucks can't really pay for all these ideas, efforts and dreams. Hence, I do not own my phone in a literal way, but I own it to use it, of course forever. 

This too is a an illusion. Nobody is dependent on others. We are born to be free and absolute freedom finds it hard to be dependent on anything. 

blog on Yoga, Yoga Blog India, article on being humble, Yoga article on Karma.
I am Responsible of My Universe