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Monday, 1 December 2014

I am Responsible of My Universe Inside Out

Our generation has been tremendously successful in understanding some of the most subtle secrets of nature and have benefited out of them. In the journey, often we might have thought that we are so independent, capable of achieving so many things that our ancestors have never thought off. 

But often, the chaos in life, helplessness at different situations have led us to feel more dependent and weak. Often in the race of achieving and being independent, we have achieved less and become more dependent. Hence, what is the secret of nature? who and how are we? are we independent and can make our own choices in the life or is it just an illusion of freedom? Does fate decide everything?

In the context of Karma, a beautiful metaphor of cow is often used to explain the subject we are discussing now. A cow is tied to a tree with a long rope and allowed to eat the beautiful grass that is grown near by the tree. The Cow can make all the choices on how and what to eat and the way to enjoy. But it has to be within the specified boundary of tied rope. It can roam everywhere within the radius and can't go out of the radius. 

No! Absolutely not. The idea of complete independence in the way we most often understand is an illusion. We are not independent at all. A simple example shows it clear. I bought a new phone and it's beautiful and I own it. But the bitter reality is "It is not mine". The payment I made is to use the phone forever. I own the phone I bought can be explained that I have the right to use it forever. 

The idea of using the waves to talk to each other was an imagination of a mind which was the foundation of the phones. Then comes the transformation in mettlurgy science which has contributed in the creation of different metals. Then, the network towers, so on and so forth. My few bucks can't really pay for all these ideas, efforts and dreams. Hence, I do not own my phone in a literal way, but I own it to use it, of course forever. 

This too is a an illusion. Nobody is dependent on others. We are born to be free and absolute freedom finds it hard to be dependent on anything. 

blog on Yoga, Yoga Blog India, article on being humble, Yoga article on Karma.
I am Responsible of My Universe


We are INTERDEPENDENT. We the human beings, the animals, plants and everything on the planet are dependent on each other. We are dependent on others  and others are dependent on us. Taking the cellphone example again, the money was the requirement of the person / company that sold me the phone and we exchanged the phone with money. We receive the oxygen by exchanging the corbon di-oxide with the trees. 

Hence we are dependent on others, there is no point of being so proud of us that leads to be egoistic. When I achieve something, there will be so many on my back who play their roles knowingly and unknowingly, yet I get the opportunity to be seen as the achiever. I need to be humble as there are people, incident and things that have played roles in my success. 

As others are also dependent on me, I have responsibility. My family, friends, society, nation and humanity are dependent on me and this leads to the responsibility I need to take up. My actions should be in line with the responsibilities I am given. I am responsible for the right function of my life and my family. I am also responsible for my society and my nation. As the universe in a larger sense is too dependent on me, I am responsible for the proper functioning of the universe and I contribute everyday by being one of the finest human beings the planet has ever produced. 

Being humble refines my character and allows to grow inside while being responsible refines my personality outside and allows me to be a refined social being. 

Responsibility comes along with the duty. It becomes my duty to take care of the universe. How do I do it? Simple. I might not be able to remove the darkness of the universe but I light the candle. I within the limited abilities and unlimited potentialities, I work on becoming a better human and help others to be better humans. A small, simple, committed change within me changes the present of the world leading to the transformation of the future of the world. 

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