When there is a new poetry striving to be born, to take form a poet experiences a feeling of richness, a fullness, an expansion and an extension about to take shape. He feels feminine. It happens with all the creative arts. It is exactly like a pregnancy of a woman.
Pregnancy is more than just carrying a baby
Pregnancy is an expansion, a richness that takes its space with the new life taking shape in you. There is a fullness where there was an emptiness. Where there was a poverty now it is filled with richness. It is an extension of your own existence that you can nurture, nourish and awaken your own love and affection. Women feel completeness which can not be compared to anything with the pregnancy. It is carrying a baby. It is a process of transformation that slowly develops a new being in you. The existence of a new life in you has the ability to build awareness in you, to transform you and infuse positivity in you. It brings the life in your life.