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Sunday, 10 August 2014

I don't mind to be hated... Difficulty of Being Good

You read it right. I don't mind to be hated and I do not want to be remembered as one of the good people by everybody. The reason is to be good to everybody, all the time is impossible....

As you all know, we all the three male teachers here at Samyak Yoga were fortunate enough to study in an ancient system of education "Gurukula System of Education" prevailed during the time of Buddha, Patanjali etc. The replica of the same education system is created in the outskirts of Bangalore, South India. During our studies there, my master used to tell me "it is your main problem that you want to be good to everybody, every time and that leads to chaos". I took much time to understand the essence of his teaching. What I understood later as time passed was very interesting and made my life comfortable and less-complicated. 

When somebody thinks about you as good person there must be a reason. Most often, it is you are being good to him/her. It can be either materialistic/otherwise. It is very much relative. If you are in a way which they think is right, you are right for them. Your actions failing to match with what they think is right, you are wrong or bad.  Again, it is not even eternal. You have been considered as a very good person,a good partner, husband, daughter or wife by the other person and the moment your actions seem to be otherwise, you are wrong. You are no more a good person for them. 

Hence, you can conclude that you are considered good or bad, more on the basis of their perspective, less of your actions... And the later part is more amusing. You being bad now can change once they change their perspective too. 

People judge you, form their opinions about you, mostly based on their life, lessons they have learnt in their lives, their success and failures, their understanding about life through their lens which does not have to be right all the time. 

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Be the best to yourself...

It is good to receive opinions about our lives and situations from others. But we make sure that we understand it's territory. They are opinions, not the judgement. If you think I am bad, that's your opinion. I respect it as your opinion. I won't take it as if that's me. Even when you call me a good person, I respect it but I understand the intention and limitation behind it. 

I don't mind to be hated by somebody when I know I am passionate about doing something and it does not harm people in general. I might be bad to somebody, but good to myself and I want to be good to myself. I don't want to be good to everybody every time. But I want to be the best to myself every time , because life is not worth to be any lesser than the best. 

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